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Tag: Ukraine

Putin’s “Correction” of History: How Fictional Narratives are Shaping Russia’s Future

This article delves into Putin’s perspective on Russian history and his attempts to rectify its “mistakes” through warfare. By analyzing science fiction literature, the article shows how popular culture has influenced Russian society’s views on the past. The subgenre of time travel, in particular, has gained traction among readers, creating a revisionist and revisionist narrative.

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Putin’s Historical Narrative on Ukraine: Justification for Aggression or Deliberate Misinformation?

Konstantin Skorkin, a journalist and historian of Ukrainian politics, explores Russian President Vladimir Putin’s views on Ukrainian history and how they have evolved over time. He discusses the origins of these views, including the influence of writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn, and their impact on Russian domestic and foreign policy. Skorkin debunks the idea that Lenin created…

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